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Major Deities

  • Amunet – Female counterpart of Amun and a member of the Ogdoad[3]
  • Anuket – A feathered headdress wearing goddess of Egypt’s southern frontier regions, particularly the lower cataracts of the Nile[33][7]
  • Bastet – Goddess represented as a cat or lioness, patroness of the city of Bubastis, linked with protection from evil[34]
  • Bat – Cow goddess from early in Egyptian history, eventually absorbed by Hathor[35]
  • Hathor (Egyptian: Het-Hert) – One of the most important goddesses, linked with the sky, the sun, sexuality and motherhood, music and dance, foreign lands and goods, and the afterlife. One of many forms of the Eye of Ra.[36]
  • Hatmehit – Fish goddess
  • Heqet – Frog goddess said to protect women in childbirth[37]
  • Hesat – A maternal cow goddess[38][39]
  • Imentet (Amentet) – An afterlife goddess closely linked with Isis and Hathor[40][19]
  • Isis – Wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, linked with funerary rites, motherhood, protection, and magic. She became a major deity in Greek and Roman religion.[41]
  • Maat – Goddess who personified truth, justice, and order[42]
  • Menhit – A lioness goddess[43]
  • Mut – Consort of Amun, worshipped at Thebes[44]
  • Neith – A creator and hunter goddess, patron of the city of Sais in Lower Egypt[45]
  • Nekhbet (Nekhebit) – A vulture goddess, the tutelary deity of Upper Egypt[46]
  • Nephthys (Egyptian: Nebet-Het) – A member of the Ennead, the consort of Set, who mourned Osiris alongside Isis[47]
  • Nepit – A goddess of grain, female counterpart of Neper[48]
  • Nut – A sky goddess, a member of the Ennead[49]
  • Pakhet – A lioness goddess mainly worshipped in the area around Beni Hasan[50]
  • Renenutet – An agricultural goddess[51]
  • Satet – A goddess of Egypt’s southern frontier regions[52][6]
  • Sekhmet – A lioness goddess, both destructive and violent and capable of warding off disease, protector of the pharaohs who led them in war, the consort of Ptah and one of many forms of the Eye of Ra.[53]
  • Tefnut – Goddess of moisture and a member of the Ennead[54]
  • Wadjet (Uatchit) – A cobra goddess, the tutelary deity of Lower Egypt[55]
  • Wosret (Egyptian: Usret) – A goddess of Thebes[56]

Major male and female forms

  • Anubis/Anput – The god/goddess of embalming and protector of the dead[57]
  • Heh – Personification of infinity and a member of the Ogdoad[58]
  • Kek – The god of Chaos and Darkness, as well as being the concept of primordial darkness. Kek’s female form is known as Kauket.
  • Nu (Nun) – Personification of the formless, watery disorder from which the world emerged at creation and a member of the Ogdoad[59]
  • Ra (Re) – The foremost Egyptian sun god, involved in creation and the afterlife. Mythological ruler of the gods, father of every Egyptian king, and the patron god of Heliopolis.[60]
  • Tatenen – Personification of the first mound of earth to emerge from chaos in ancient Egyptian creation myths

Minor Male or female forms

Lesser-known deities

  • Ảmi-khent-āat – A goddess of Edfû[157]
  • Ảmi-pet-seshem-neterit – One of the 12 Thoueris goddesses[156]
  • Ảmi-urt – A cow goddess[156]
  • Ảmi-utchat-sảakhu-Ảtemt – One of the 12 Thoueris goddesses[156]
  • Ảmit-Qeţem – A goddess who assisted resurrecting Osiris[158]
  • Ảmit-she-t-urt – A goddess[158]
  • Āpertra – A singing goddess[68]
  • Ảrit-ȧakhu – A star goddess[162]
  • Ảriti – A goddess[162]
  • Ba-khati – A goddess[75]
  • Baiut-s-ảmiu-heh – A goddess[75]
  • Ḥebit – An air goddess[164]
  • Hetemit – Goddess of destruction
  • Ḥunit – Goddess of the twenty first day of the month[165]
  • Ḥunit Pe – A tutelary goddess of Buto[165]
  • Ḥunit urit – A tutelary goddess of Heliopolis[165]
  • Ḥuntheth – A lioness goddess[165]
  • Ḥurit urit – A goddess[165]
  • Maa-ā – A singing god[167]
  • Maa-neter-s – A singing goddess[167]
  • Neb Ȧa-t (Nebt Ȧa-t) – A goddess[170]
  • Neb Ȧa-t-Then (Nebt Ȧa-t-Then) – A goddess[170]
  • Neb āāu (Nebt āāu) – A goddess
  • Neb-ābui (Nebt-ābui) – A goddess
  • Neb ȧkeb (Nebt ȧkeb) – A goddess[171]
  • Neb Ȧnit (Nebt Ȧnit) – A goddess[171]
  • Neb ảri-t-qerr-t (Nebt ȧri-t-qerr-t) – A goddess[171]
  • Neb ảrit-tcheṭflu – Goddess who created reptiles[171]
  • Neb ảs-ḥatt – A goddess[171]
  • Neb ȧs-ur (Nebt ȧs-ur) – A goddess[171]
  • Neb Ȧter (Nebt Ȧter-Meḥ) – A goddess[171]
  • Neb ȧter-Shemā (Nebt ȧter-Shemā) – A goddess[171]
  • Neb ảur (Nebt ảur) – A goddess of the river[170]
  • Neb Aut (Neb-t Aut) – A goddess[170]
  • Neb Bȧa-t (Nebt Bȧa-t) – A goddess[172]
  • Neb ḥekau (Nebt ḥekau) – The goddess of spells[173]
  • Neb ḥetep (Nebt ḥetep) – A crocodile goddess[173]
  • Neb Khasa (Nebt Khasa) – A goddess[173]
  • Neb Khebit (Nebt Khebit) – The goddess of Chemmis[173]
  • Neb peḥti (Nebt peḥti) – A goddess[172]
  • Neb Per-res (Nebt Per-res) – A goddess[172]
  • Neb petti (Nebt petti) – A goddess[172]
  • Neb Sa (Nebt Sa) – A goddess[173]
  • Neb Sam (Nebt Sam) – A goddess[173]
  • Neb sau-ta (Nebt sau-ta) – A goddess[173]
  • Neb sebu (Nebt sebu) – A goddess[173]
  • Neb Septi (Nebt Septi) – A goddess[173]
  • Neb-t ȧakhu – A serpent goddess of dawn[170]
  • Neb-t ȧnemit – A goddess of offerings[170]
  • Neb-t ānkh – One of twelve goddesses who opened the gates of Ṭuat to Ảf[171]
  • Neb-t ānkhiu – A goddess with two serpents[171]
  • Neb-t Ảţu – A goddess[171]
  • Neb-t au-t-ȧb – A cow goddess[170]
  • Neb-t Kheper – A serpent goddess[173]
  • Neb-t usha – Goddess of the eighth division of the Ṭuat[172]
  • Neb Un (Nebt Un) – A goddess[172]
  • Nebt Ānnu – A goddess[171]
  • Neterit-nekhenit-Rā – A singing goddess in Ṭuat[174]
  • Un-baiusit (Unt-baiusit) – A goddess[176]
  • Unnit – A goddess[176]
  • Unnuit – A goddess[176]
  • Upit – A serpent goddess[177]
  • Ur-ā – A goddess[152]
  • Urit – A goddess[178]
  • Urit-ȧmi-t-Ṭuat – A goddess of escorting Ra[178]
  • Urit-em-sekhemu-s – Goddess of the fourth hour[152]
  • Urit-en-kru – A lioness headed hippopatomus goddess[152]
  • Urit-ḥekau – Goddess of Upper Egypt[178]
  • Urti-ḥethati – Goddess of Ánu[

Lesser Known Male or Female Forms

  • Medjed – A minor god from the Book of the Dead. “[179]
  • Neb au-t-ȧb – A god or goddess in the Ṭuat
  • Netrit fent – An axe god or goddess

Minor Deities

  • Ahti – A malevolent hippopotamus goddess[109]
  • Amathaunta – An ocean goddess[19]
  • Ammit – Goddess who devoured condemned souls[110]
  • Amn – A goddess who welcomed souls of the dead in the Underworld[19]
  • Anat (Anta) – A war and fertility goddess, originally from Syria, who entered Egyptian religion in the Middle Kingdom. A daughter of Re, thus, in Egypt, a sister of Astarte.[111][7][112]
  • Anhefta – A protective spirit who guards one end of the ninth division of Tuat[39]
  • Anit – Wife of Andjety[19]
  • Anuke – A war goddess[16]
  • Ảpet – A solar disc wearing goddess worshipped at Thebes[7]
  • Astarte – A warrior goddess from Syria and Canaan who entered Egyptian religion in the New Kingdom[113]
  • Ba’alat Gebal – A Canaanite goddess, patroness of the city of Byblos, adopted into Egyptian religion[114]
  • Besna – Goddess of home security[19]
  • Esna – A divine perch[16]
  • Hatmehit – Fish goddess worshipped at Mendes[58]
  • Hedetet – A minor scorpion goddess[115]
  • Heptet – A knife holding goddess of death[39]
  • Heret-Kau – A protector goddess who protected the souls of the dead in the afterlife[16]
  • Hert-ketit-s – A lioness headed goddess in the eleventh division of Tuat[39]
  • Hert-Nemmat-Set – A goddess in the eleventh division of Tuat who punishes the damned[39]
  • Hert-sefu-s – A goddess in the eleventh division of Tuat[39]
  • Heru-pa-kaut – A mother goddess with a fish on her head[39]
  • Heset – Goddess of food and drink[16]
  • Hetepes-Sekhus – A personification of the eye of Ra, also a cobra goddess[16]
  • Iat – A goddess of milk and nursing[116]
  • Iabet – Goddess of fertility and rebirth[16]
  • Ipy – A mother goddess depicted as a hippopotamus[16]
  • Ishtar – The East Semitic version of Astarte, occasionally mentioned in Egyptian texts[117]
  • Iusaaset (Ausaas) – A female counterpart to Atum; a solar disc wearing goddess worshipped at Heliopolis[118][119]
  • Iw – A creation goddess[16]
  • Kebehut – Daughter of Anubis, goddess of freshness, she helps him in mummifying dead bodies[6][39][16]
  • Ken – Goddess of love[19]
  • Khefthernebes – A funerary deity[120]
  • Mafdet – A predatory goddess said to destroy dangerous creatures[121]
  • Mehit – A warrior lioness goddess originally from Nubia worshipped at Abydos, consort of Anhur[43][16]
  • Matit – A funerary cat goddess who had a cult center at Thinis[122]
  • Mehet-Weret – A celestial cow goddess[93][123]
  • Menhit (Menhyt) – A solar lioness goddess who personified the brow of Ra[16]
  • Meretseger – A cobra goddess who oversaw the Theban Necropolis[124]
  • Meret – The goddess of music who established cosmic order[16]
  • Meskhenet (Mesenet) – A goddess who presided over childbirth[18]
  • Nakith – A goddess of the underworld[125]
  • Naunet – female counterpart to Nun
  • Nebethetepet – A female counterpart to Atum[21]
  • Nebt-Ankhiu – A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Nebt-Khu – A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Nebt-Mat – A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Nebt-Setau – A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Nebt-Shat – A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Nebt-Shefshefet – A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Nefertari – The mother of Amenhotep I, deified[64]
  • Nehmetawy – A minor goddess, the consort of Nehebu-Kau or Thoth[127]
  • Pelican – Goddess of the dead[100]
  • Perit – A goddess of the underworld[128]
  • Pesi – A goddess of the underworld[128]
  • Qererti[39]
  • Qerhet – Goddess of the eight nomes of Lower Egypt[39]
  • Qetesh (Qudshu) – A goddess of sexuality and sacred ecstasy from Syria and Canaan, adopted into Egyptian religion in the New Kingdom[129]
  • Raet-Tawy – A female counterpart to Ra[130]
  • Rekhit – A goddess of the underworld[131]
  • Renenet – Goddess of fortune[19]
  • Renpet – Goddess who personified the year[130]
  • Sait – A goddess of the underworld[132]
  • Sefkhet-Abwy – Goddess of writing and temple libraries[6]
  • Sehith – A goddess of the underworld[133]
  • Sekhat-Hor – A cow goddess[100]
  • Sekhet-Metu – A goddess of the underworld[133]
  • Seret – A lioness goddess possibly originally from Libya[16]
  • Serket – A scorpion goddess, invoked for healing and protection[134]
  • Sesenet-Khu – A goddess of the underworld[135]
  • Seshat – Goddess of writing and record-keeping, depicted as a scribe[136]
  • Shemat-Khu – A goddess of the underworld[137]
  • Shentayet – A protective goddess possibly of widows[16]
  • Shenty – A cow goddess[138]
  • Shesmetet – A lioness goddess[103]
  • Sopdet – Deification of the star Sirius[139]
  • Swenet – Goddess related to Aswan[140]
  • Ta-Bitjet – A minor scorpion goddess[61]
  • Ta-Sent-Nefert – A wife of Horus the elder[39]
  • Tafner – A vulture headdress wearing goddess[141]
  • Taweret (Thoeris) – Hippopotamus goddess, protector of women in childbirth[142][19]
  • Tayt (Tayet) – Goddess of weaving[143][144]
  • Temet – A female counterpart to Atum[145]
  • Temtith – A goddess of the underworld[146]
  • Tenenet – Goddess of brewing[16]
  • Themath – A goddess of the underworld[146]
  • Thermuthis – Goddess of fate, fertility, and harvest[147]
  • Thmei – Goddess of truth[148]
  • Tjenenyet – A protector goddess[16]
  • Tjenmyt – Goddess of beer[100]
  • Unut – A goddess represented as a snake or a hare, worshipped in the region of Hermopolis[149]
  • Usit – A goddess of the underworld[150]
  • Wepset – A protector serpent goddess[16]
  • Werethekau – A goddess who protected the king[

Groups of Deities

  • The Aai – 3 guardian deities in the ninth division of Tuat; they are Ab-ta, Anhefta, and Ermen-ta[39]
  • The Cavern deities – Many underworld deities charged with punishing the damned souls by beheading and devouring them.[180]
  • The Ennead – An extended family of nine deities produced by Atum during the creation of the world. The Ennead usually consisted of Atum, his children Shu and Tefnut, their children Geb and Nut, and their children Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.[181]
  • The Theban Triad consisted of Amun, his consort Mut and their son Khonsu.
  • The four sons of Horus – Four gods who protected the mummified body, particularly the internal organs in canopic jars.[182]
  • The Gate deities – Many dangerous guardian deities at the gates of the underworld (flanked by divine Doorkeepers and Heralds), to be ingratiated by spells and knowing their names.[183]
  • The Hemsut (or Hemuset) – Protective goddesses of Fate, destiny, and of the creation sprung from the primordial abyss; daughters of Ptah, linked to the concept of ka[184][185]
  • The Her-Hequi – 4 deities in the fifth division of Tuat[39]
  • The Hours of the day deities – 12 divine embodiments of each hour of the day: partly major deities (1st: Maat and Nenit, 2nd: Hu and Ra em-nu, 4th: Ashespi-kha, 5th: Nesbit and Agrit, 6th: Ahait, 7th: Horus and Nekait or Nekai-t, 8th: Khensu and Kheprit, 9th: Neten-her-netch-her and Ast em nebt ankh, 10th: Urit-hekau or Hekau-ur, 11th: Amanh, and partly lesser-known ones (12th: “The One Who Gives Protection In The Twilight”).[186]
  • The Hours of the night deities – 12 goddesses of each hour of the night, wearing a five-pointed star on their heads. Neb-t tehen and Neb-t heru, god and goddess of the 1st hour of night, Apis or Hep (in reference) and Sarit-neb-s, god and goddess of the 2nd hour of night, M’k-neb-set, goddess of the 3rd hour of night, Aa-t-shefit or Urit-shefit, goddess of the 4th hour of the night, Heru-heri-uatch-f and Neb[t] ankh, god and goddess of the 5th hour of the night, Ari-em-aua (god) or Uba-em-tu-f and Mesperit, neb-t shekta or Neb-t tcheser, god and goddess of the 6th hour of the night, Heru-em-sau-ab and Herit-t-chatcha-ah, god and goddess of the 7th hour of the night, Ba-pefi and Ankh-em-neser-t or Merit-neser-t, god and goddess of the 8th hour of night, An-mut-f and Neb-t sent-t, god and goddess of the 9th hour of the night, Amset or Neb neteru and M’k-neb-set, god and goddess of the 10th hour of night, Uba-em-tu-f and Khesef-khemit or M’kheskhemuit, god and goddess of the 11th hour, Khepera and Maa-neferut-Ra, god and goddess of the 12th hour of the night.[186]
  • The 42 judges of Maat – 42 deities including Osiris who judged the souls of the dead in the afterlife
  • The Khnemiu – 4 deities wearing red crowns in the eleventh division of Tuat[39]
  • The Ogdoad – A set of eight gods who personified the chaos that existed before creation. The Ogdoad commonly consisted of Amun – AmunetNu – NaunetHeh – Hauhet, and Kek – Kauket.[187]
  • The Renniu – 4 bearded gods in the eleventh division of Tuat[39]
  • The Setheniu-Tep – 4 deities wearing white crowns in the eleventh division of Tuat[39]
  • The Souls of Pe and Nekhen – A set of gods personifying the predynastic rulers of Upper and Lower Egypt.[188]
  • The 12 Thoueris goddesses[156]

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